Shooting for the
Here are the major review journals
you want to review your
And how tips on how to get them
to do just that.
And newspapers,
magazines, and review-friendly Web sites
not to mention suggestions to
your review query process!)
down for different categories of review possibilities.
Suggestions for Your Review Query Process
See lists for reviewers below this article. You'll find
newspaper reviewers, magazine reviewers and author-friendly Web site
reviewers. See the links to other resources for writers pages near the
bottom of this page.
Here are some ideas to improve your you
query letters.
You'll find more in The Frugal Editor,
in face you'll find a slew of ideas straight
from the mouths of some of the nation's most prominent agents.
You'll also find sample query letters in the index of that book.
A great query
letter will improve your chances for
acquiring reviews of your book.
See the list (and the hints) below:
Tailor brief portions of your query to the editor or region
you are sending your query to.
Do not e-mail your query to several editors at once. Give each
query the dignity of a window of its own.
Always double check your information. Requesting a review from
someone who returned to teaching two years ago or is now dead will not make a positive impression on a
book editor.
Use editors' names when possible, correctly spelled.
Reserve self-praise to the "just the facts, ma'm." Avoid
If your time is limited, check out our
query/review service on this site.
Carolyn will edit/critique
your query letters for $85. See our services
Refer to
The Frugal Book Promoter:
How to Do What Your Publisher Won't for other hints on how to acquire
reviews more effectively and how to use reviews to promote your book once
you have succeeded in doing so.
You will find complete information on
writing and editing successful query letters in the second edition of
The Frugal Editor. That includes suggestions for 20 of USA's top
Utilize the HowToDoItFrugally-related blog,
The New Book Review,
to recycle favorite reviews or to weigh in on your favorite books.
You'll find the guidelines on the left side of the page.
Use the lists provided below but always
check to be sure information is updated. In the spirit of helping other
authors, please let
us know if you find discrepancies.
If you're short on time, use a book launch
expert like Nikki Leigh of
Book Promo
201: Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media
Publishing isn't what it
used to be. There are so many kinds. Partner-, subsidy,
traditional-, and self-publishing and all kinds or
pollination goes on between these categories. So ask
questions and study hard before you choose. You'll be more
pleased with the results if the reviewers you select match
your genre.
Find at least one tip on writing, promotion, or
tech on every page of this Web site.
Major Review Journals |
Note: This
list is divided into two sections, major review journals and some of the
best respected journals that are open to self-published,
subsidy-published, e-books, and POD-published books.
Note: Most of the
most sought-after review journals require long lead times before
publication for submissions to be considered.
Important: Most of
these review journals require very long lead times before publication. You
can learn more about that process in
The Frugal
Book Promoter.
American Library XE "Library"
Assoc., 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, Toll Free
Include Publication Slip.
Entertainment Weekly Magazine,
1675 Broadway Fl 29, New York, NY 10019-5820.
- Kirkus
Reviews "Reviews"
, 770 Broadway, NYC, NY 10003. Kirkus Discoveries is a
paid-for review service (
Read your Frugal Book
Promoter (find "review" entries in the index) before you pay
nearly $500 for a review even from a reputable journal like this.
They have a journalistically sound way to get reviews, just plain "Kirkus
Send TWO books or galleys.
- Library "Library" Journal, (
Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010.
Must follow up your mail with a confirming e-mail.
- New York
Times Book Review,
229 W. 43rd St., NY, NY 10036,
- Los Angeles
Times Book Review, Times
Mirror Square, LA, CA 90053,
- Chicago
Tribune Books, 435 N.
Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611,
- American
Book Review, Illinois
State Univ., Campus Box 4241, Normal, IL 61790.
Probably best for poetry, literary work and/or Illinois
- Small Press
Review, PO Box 100,
Paradise, CA 95967, Poetry and fiction only.
- Publishers Weekly, (
Publishers Weekly, (Your Genre Here) 71 W 23rd St
#1608, New York, NY 1001Submissions of two copies must be sent three months—preferably
four—prior to the 1st day of the month of publication. Submit two
copies of your title. Submissions of a single copy will not be
Editorial, 520 Pike St., Suite 1800, Seattle, WA 98101. You can also
search out their major Vine Reviewers for queries. Carefully choose
those who review books in your title's genre.
- Wired,
520 Third St., Suite 305, San Francisco, CA 94107
- Cambridge Book Review (
Bob Wake, Ed., Box 222, Cambridge, Wisconsin.
- The book or arts and entertainment section of
your nearest metropolitan newspaper.
Note: Review journals, newspapers, etc
are known
for moving offices,
going out of business and other changes.
Please check their submission guidelines and their addresses
before sending off your review copies.
Special List
Journals That Don't Discriminate Against
Self Published Books |
- Independent
Publisher, (,
121 E. Front St., #401, Traverse City, MI 49684, you must designate
the specific department for your title and after you send your book,
you must follow up with an e-mail.. Also research its sister
magazine, Independent Publisher Online, 1129 Woodmere Ave., Ste B,
Traverse City, MI 49686.
- Midwest
Book Review, James A Cox,
Editor-in-Chief, 278 Orchard Dr., Oregon, WI 53575. Do not mark
review copy or do anything to it that might be considered defacement
of a book. E-mail:
- Foreword
Magazine, Alex Moore, Mng. Ed.,
129 ½ E. Front St., Traverse City, MI 49684, Considers subsidy published books
among others. Also check out their annual contest. NOTE: They also
have a paid-for review service. If you want a free review (the only
kind I think are worthwhile) you must submit 12 to 16 weeks in
advance of your release date, just like the ones above.
- Bookviews welcomes only books, not
galleys. Alan Caruba, Editor,, 28 West Third St., Apt.
1321, South Orange, NJ 07079. Please include your e-mail address.
- Shelf
Magazine is a new review source. Submit your books for review
and query them for interviews. Find editorial submissions
Other Suggestions
The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing
by Maria Calvani for more information on the review process. It will
help you undeerstand what to expect and how to better approach
Online blogs and review journals also
often welcome
books based on their content, not the press they are published on.
My The New Book Review
where readers, reviewers, and authors can recycle good-news reviews at no
charge! Submission guidelines in the left column of the blog
Find a substantial list of online
journals and review sites and get a better understanding of what
reviewers do in The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing by Mayra Calvani and Anne K. Edwards.
Other recommended reading: The Art of Assessment by Magdalena
See lists for reviewers employed by magazines and
newspapers below this article.
See the links to other resources for writers pages near the bottom of
this page.
Online Review Spots |
Dave Brendon lists review spots on his blog. It lists many
blogs dedicated to including my
The New Book Review
where readers, reviewers and authors can recycle good-news reviews at no
charge! Some of my favorites are,,, and headed by Jim Cox. |
Newspaper Review
And Newspaper Reviewers |
cut costs, newspapers are dropping their review sections.
Check addresses and leads thoroughly before sending
off your precious review copies.
Anchorage Daily News, 1001 Northway Drive (99508-2098), P O
Box 149001, Anchorage AK 99514-9001; 907-257-4200. Web:
The Arizona Republic,
200 E Van Buren, Phoenix AZ 85004; 602-444-8432. Web:
Atlanta Constitution,
72 Marietta Street, Atlanta GA 30303;
404-526-5377; Web:
Since the contract with their book editor was
cancelled, it looks as if this paper's reviews will be handled by outside
Austin American Statesman,
305 S. Congress Avenue (78704), P.O. Box 670, Austin, TX 78767;
512-445-3720;. Web: or
The Austin Chronicle, Books Editor,
PO Box 49066, Austin TX 78765
Baltimore Sun,
501 N
Calvert Street, Baltimore MD 21202. Michael: 800-829-8000, ext. 6223. Web:
The Baton Rouge Advocate,
P O Box 558, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588;
225-383-1111. Web:
Boston Globe,
Morrissey Boulevard, P.O. Box 2378, Boston, MA 02107; 617-929-2000. Web:
Boston Herald,
1 Herald Square, P.O. Box 55843, Boston MA
02205; 617-426-3000; Arts & Lifestyle: 617-619-6193. Web:
Buffalo News,
Jeff Simon, Sunday Arts & Books Editor,
Gusto, One News Plaza, P.O. Box 100, Buffalo, NY 14240; 800-777-8680; Web:
Charlotte Observer,
600 S.
Tryon Street, Charlotte NC 28202; 704-358-5234. Web:
Chicago Sun-Times,
Chicago IL..
Chicago Tribune Books,
435 N.
Michigan Avenue #400, Chicago IL 60611-4022; 312-222-3232. Web:
Christian Science Monitor,
Google for complete list of editors.
Cincinnati Enquirer,
312 Elm Street, Cincinnati OH 45202;
513-768-8495; Fax: 513-768-8330. Web:
Suggest you pitch feature stories. They purchase their reviews and many they
run are
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Karen Long, Books Editor, 1801 Superior
Avenue NE, Cleveland, OH 44114-2107; 216-999-5000.
Dallas Morning News,
508 Young
Street, Dallas TX 75202; 214-977-8408. Email: Web:
214-977-8222. Jerome Weeks, Books Columnist; 214-977-8463; email:
The Denver Post,
1560 Broadway,
Denver CO 80202-1577; P.O. Box 1709 Denver C 80201; 303-820-1624;
800-336-7678. Web:
Detroit Free Press,
321 W
Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit MI 48231. Web: Main number:
South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
200 E. Las Olas
Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-2293; 954-356-4710/ Web:
Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
400 West 7th
Street (76102), P O Box 1870, Fort Worth TX 76115; 817-390-7720. Web:
Hartford Courant,
285 Broad
Street, Hartford CT 06115; Main: 860-241-6200. Web:
The Honolulu Advertiser,
605 Kapiolani Boulevard (96813), P.O. Box 3110,
Honolulu HI 96802; 808-525-8090; Fax: 808-525-8055. Web:
Houston Chronicle,
801 Texas Avenue
(77002), P.O. Box 4260, Houston, TX 77210; 713-362-7171. Web:
Indianapolis Star,
307 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis IN 46204;
317-444-4000. Web:
International Herald Tribune,
an English-language, international newspaper: 6 bis, rue des Graviers,
92521 Neuilly Cedex, France; (33-1) 41 43 93 22; Fax: (33-1) 41 43 93 32.
E-mail: Web: They do not do their own reviews; you may
wish to pitch books of an international nature.
Doreen Carvajal, Publishing Reporter
Kansas City Star,
Grand Boulevard, Kansas City MO 64108-1413; 816-234-4141. Web:
Los Angeles Times Book
David Ulin, Editor, 202 West 1st Street,
Los Angeles CA 90012; 213-237-7001; Fax: 213-237-4712. Web:
Appear to be mostly interested in literary works.
Louisville Courier-Journal,
525 W Broadway,
P O Box 740031, Louisville KY 40201-7431;
502-582-4011. Web:
Miami Herald,
Connie Ogle, Book Editor, One Herald Plaza,
Miami, FL 33132-1693; 305-376-3649. Email: Web:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
333 W.
State Street, P.O. Box 371, Milwaukee, WI 53201; 414-224-2000. Web:
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
Portland Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55488; 612-673-4414/ Web:
New Orleans Times-Picayune,
3800 Howard
Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70125-1429; 504-826-3457; 800-925-0000/ Web:
New York Daily News,
Sherryl Connelly, Book Editor, 450 West
33rd Street, New York, NY 10001; 212-210-2100/ Web:
New York Observer, (Weekly)
915 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10010; 212-755-2400; Fax:
212-688-4889. Web:
New York Post,
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
10036; 212-930-8000; Fax: 212-930-8542. Web:
New York Times
Newark Star-Ledger,
Star-Ledger Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102; 973-392-4040. Web:
Orlando Sentinel,
Books, 633 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801;
Philadelphia Inquirer,
400 N. Broad
Street, Philadelphia PA 19130; 215-854-5615. Web:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
34 Boulevard of
the Allies (15222), P O Box 566, Pittsburgh PA 15230; 412-263-1601.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,
Rege Behe, Books Editor, D. L. Clark
Building, 503 Martindale Street, 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh PA 15212 ;
412-320-7990. : 412-321-6460.Email: Web:
Portland Oregonian,
J 1320 S.W.
Broadway, Portland OR 97201-9911; 877-238-8221. Web: Jeff:
503-221-8165. Staff writer list:
Providence Journal-Bulletin,
75 Fountain Street,
Providence RI 02902; 401-277-7000. Web:
Rocky Mountain News,
400 W Colfax
Avenue, Denver CO 80204; 303-892-5000. Web:
Sacramento Bee,
2100 Q Street, P O Box 15779, Sacramento CA
95852; 916-321-1000; Fax: 916-321-1109. They use reprint reviews unless a
book has specific local significance.
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch,
900 N.
Tucker Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63101; 314-340-8000. Web:
Saint Petersburg Times,
490 First
Avenue S (33701), P.O. Box 1121, Saint Petersburg FL 33731; 800-333-7505.Web:
San Antonio Express-News,
Steve Bennett, Book Editor, Avenue E & 3rd
Street (78205), P O Box 2171, San Antonio TX 78297-2171; 210-225-7411; Fax:
Salt Lake Tribune
and other Utah newspapers are listed at
San Diego Union-Tribune, P.O. Box 120191, San Diego, CA 92112-0191; 619-293-1321;
Fax: 619-293-2436. Web:
Also web:
Updated 1/03.
San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
94103; 415-777-6258; Fax: 415-957-8737.
Main phone number: 415-777-1111.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 101 Elliot Avenue West, Seattle WA
98119-4220; 206-448-8170;
Fax: 206-448-8166.
Seattle's The Stranger,
Seattle Times, 1120 John Street,
Seattle WA 98109; 206-464-2357.
Tampa Tribune,
The News Center, 200 S. Parker Street
(33606-2395), P.O. Box 191, Tampa, FL 33601-0191; General: 813-259-7711; Newsroom: 813-259-7600.
Telegraph Media Group, Books Editor, 111 Buckingham Palace Road,
London SW1W 0DT, England
Toronto Star,
Philip Marchand, Literary Critic. Web:
Tuscon Citizen,
Arizona Daily Star,
4850 S. Park Avenue, P O Box 26887, Tucson
AZ 85726; 520-573-4511. Web: and
USA Today This newspaper gives
books some big play but only if they are current or edgy.
Voice Literary Supplement,
Ed Park, Literary Editor,
Village Voice, 36
Cooper Square, New York NY 10003-4846; 212-475-3300; Fax: 212-475-8944. Web:
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post Book World, 1150 15th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20071;
202-334-6000. Web:
Washington Times,
3600 New York Avenue NE, Washington DC 20002-1947; Main phone: Carol Herman,
Books Editor.
Westchester Journal-News,
One Gannett Drive, White Plains NY 10604;
914-694-9300. Web:
writer list:
A few other scattered
Tip: Search the site maps
and "about" pages for specific editors other than and
including book editors for people who might be likely to
give your book some attention. |
Literary Journals |
Curled Up With a Good Book (Prefers Arcs), 5408 W. 32nd St.,
Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Dalkey Archive Press, Aude Jeanson (Send ARC and press release),
University of Illinois, 605 E. Springfield Avenue
MC-475, Champaign, IL 61820. ph 217.244.5700. fax 217.244.9142
T he Cincinnati Review,
Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of Cincinnati,
P O Box 210069, Cincinnati OH 45221-0069. Phone: 513-556-3954. Web: A twice-yearly literary review of poetry and
literary fiction.
235 Pinelawn
Road, Melville NY 11747-4250. Web:
2 Park Avenue, 8th Floor, New York NY 10016-5695;
Quill & Quire, (Submit ARC and/or press release.) Nathan
Whitlock, P.O. Box 706, Markham, ON L6B 1A7, Canada
Rain Taxi
ARC and/or press release), PO Box 3840, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Review-Friendly Web Sites
accepts review
requests from publishers, publicists and individual authors.
your query to this Brenda Weeaks at
Your review will be considered by a whole catalog of expert reviews who
write for the site. While you're there please check out my
Back to Literature column on that site.
Book Pleasures.
Edited by Norm Goldman.Author
interviews and reviews in Writer
Compulsive Reader reviews books. Find interviews, literary
news, criticism, a no-cost e-zine, and more. Editor Magdalena Ball also
accepts applications for new reviewers.
Women on Writing is an
exceptionally author-friendly and useful site. You'll also find a lovely
they did for me that features one of my first-person essays.
Note: Editors come and go, so do
E-mail addresses change.
Please let me know if you find errors in this list.
In doing so you help other authors.
Other Writers' Resource Pages |
Yvonne Perry is known for her
promotion services, especially for authors.
But she is also an author and occasionally reviews books as well.
See why she loved
Frugal and Focused Tweeting for her
and for her business.
The 11th Commandment for
Writers is to check and double check--especially when it
comes to the guidelines and contact information of
reviewers. No writer wants to waste an ARC (readers' or
reviewers' copy).
Find at least one tip on writing,
promotion, or tech on every page of this Web site.
Buy Links for
Carolyn's Books |
Subscribe to
Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Sharing with Writers Newsletter
and get a FREE copy of
Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers

"I have been a professional writer 40 years, and am also a
tenured full professor of journalism. Carolyn's Sharing with
Writers newsletter is most useful for me--and for my
students. I emphasize to them that while research is 90% of
writing, and the actual writing is about 10%, there's another
100% out there called promotion. Carolyn shows numerous ways to
get the message to the mass media."
~Walter Brasch, author
and educator
"A decade of bettering writers' careers
with how-tos, tips, and publishing news."
Carolyn on Pinterest |

Authors! I repin your
books to my boards when you repin mine to yours!
Carolyn's Blogs |
Sharing with Writers
All things publishing with
an emphasis on book
promotion. Named to
Writer's Digest
101 Best Website list.
The New Book Review
Great way for readers, authors, reviewers and publicists to get more
mileage out of
a great review.
The Frugal Editor Blog
This is the Frugal, Smart
and Tuned-In Editor blog.
Covers editing, grammar, formatting and more.
Get the answers you need.
Tip |
Marketing with Permalinks
As a
courtesy to your reader and to extend the life of your
marketing efforts, use
permalinks when you promote your reviews. Here's an
article on using them in my
free New Book Review blog.
Find tips on writing, promotion or
tech on every page of this Web site. |
Selection of Carolyn's Past
Speaking Engagements |

2009, 2010

2008, 09, 10, 11

Panel moderator, 2007

National Span College
presenter 2002

Fellows presenter, 2007,

Co-sponsor and presenter,
2007, 08, 09, 10, 11

University of Dayton Erma
Bombeck Writers' Conference, 2006, 2008

Sisters in Crime,
Pasadena, 2009

On the
Los Angeles Valley College Campus 2012, Rancho
Library 2013,
Valley College Spring 2014

Wisconsin Regional Writers Association
Presenter, Keynote 2010

Book 'Em,
Three Panels 2013

Presenter, 2013

Seminar Speaker, 2014

Keynote, 2013; 2014

Secrets of Great
Dialogue, 2015

Digging Up Memories and Bringing the Dead Back to

Book Promotion.
Judith Briles' Extravaganza,
Denver, CO, 2016
more about
Carolyn's conferences. |
Carolyn's Awards |
Awards for Carolyn's Books, Blogs and More The New Book Review
Named to
Master's in Online Universities'
101 Essential Sites for Voracious

Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites
for Sharing with Writers blog.

Best Book Award for The Frugal Book Promoter (2004) and The Frugal Editor (2008)
and the Second Edition of The Frugal Book Promoter

Reader Views Literary Award for The Frugal Editor

New Generation Award for Marketing and Finalist for The Frugal Editor

Book Publicists of Southern California's Irwin Award
Military Writers Award of Excellence for
Tracings, A Chapbook of Poetry.

A Retailer's Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotion wins author Military
Writers Society of America's Author of the Month award for March, 2010

Gold Medal
Award from Military Writers Society of America, 2010.
MWSA also gave a nod to
She Wore Emerald Then,
a chapbook of poetry honoring mothers.
The Frugal
Named #! on Top Ten
Editing Books list.

New Generation Book Awards 2012,
The Frugal Book
Promoter; Finalist 2010
The Frugal Editor;
Winner 2010 Marketing Campaign for the Frugal Editor

The Oxford Award
alumna who exemplifies the Delta Gamma precept of
service to her community and who, through the years,
devotes her talents to improve the quality of life
around her.
The Frugal
Book Promoter is runner-up in the how-to category for
Los Angeles Book Festival 2012

Winner Diamond Award
for Achievement in the Arts
California's Arts and Culture Commission and the City of
Glendale Library,
And more than a dozen other awards for Carolyn's novel, short story collection and poetry.
See the awards page on this site.
Tip |
sources will not consider self or POD published books. If
your publisher isn’t traditional or if you are sending ARCs
to reviewers from your home office, your job is to be
so professional it will be difficult for anyone to ascertain
that yours was not sent to them by the country’s oldest
publisher. Occasionally they will review a subsidy or
self-published book and those authors so privileged feel it
was well worth it to try.
Find tips on writing, promotion or
tech on every page of this Web site.
Website Sponsor |
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could help better understanding between peoples of
the world. Great for better understanding cultures,
customs, even great for accent reduction.
Available on
Amazon bookstores worldwide, at Vroman's in
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Proud to Support |
World Wild Life
Sublime Planet
book of poetry
Earth Day

Pasadena Weekly Arts and Entertainment Section
All Proceeds to be donated to the World Wildlife Fund |
Awards |
Awards for Carolyn's aid to
better writing and
The Frugal

Winner Reader Views Award for Best
Professional Book
Winner USA Book News Award
Finalist Next Generation Book Awards
Winner Next Generation Book Awards for the
Marketing Plan for that book
Honorable Mention from Dan Poynter's Global
E-Book Awards
Book Publicists of Southern California (BPSC)
coveted Irwin Award

Trailer |
Click on the logo below to see an example of Reno Lovison's trailer for
my Survive and Thrive Series of books.

Broadcast for reasonably priced and thoroughly professional
video book trailers. |