Multi Award-Winning
How To do It Frugally
of Books for Writers
Each of Them Is a Frugal Ticket
To Selling, Marketing
and Editing your Books.
Winner USA Book News Business Book!
"Howard-Johnson has the comforting tone of a mentor and
writes with the precision of a surgeon."
~ Francine Silverman, author, editor, author's advocate
The Frugal Book Promoter,
Second Edition!
The new edition of The Frugal Book Promoter
bigger (nearly twice as big!) and updated
than the first edition. Find what's new on
its very own page!
This edition
even has its own subtitle to reflect the broader audience it appeals to. It is
Ta Da! How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with
your publisher. But it still has all the award-winning qualities of the
first edition (see below), maybe even more!
The Frugal Book Promoter is runner-up in the
how-to category for the
Angeles Book Festival 2012 awards.
Global Ebooks Award Honorable Mention for

The Frugal Book Promoter, Second
Edition, 2012
followed every one of Carolyn's suggestions for
my award-winning book,
The Written Word, so I’m confident
I’ll gain every bit of exposure possible from
this award. I learned long ago to do exactly as
Carolyn says if I want to succeed and do it
~ Aggie Villanueva, bestselling
award-winning author and director of Book
Promotion at
Promotion a la Carte
The Frugal
Book Promoter, first edition, was also named best business book
award by USA Books News and the Irwin Award,
awarded by the Book Publicists of
Southern California for its marketing
campaign. |
Whether your publisher assigns zero dollars to
your book’s promotional campaign or thousands,
The Frugal Book Promoter assures it the best
possible start in life. The author, a former publicist, provides no-nonsense basics to build your media kit, media release, and a knock-'em-dead
mailing list that will be more effective than any you could buy. Pick and choose from dozens of ideas for promotions that she developed or
refined through two extensive book campaigns of her own. Several are sure to match your pocketbook and personality. |
How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically:
The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and
sustain a writing career
is the culmination of
nearly two decades Carolyn Howard-Johnson spent helping
writers avoid pitfalls, misconceptions, and out-and-out
scams perpetrated on unsuspecting authors . . . and
helping them reach their dreams of great reviews, great
book tours, and great launches. It turns out that Get
Great Book Reviews is the essence for a successful
marketing campaign that includes all those things
and--more importantly--for building the readership
necessary for a prosperous writing career.
Cover by Chaz
DeSimone. |
How to Get
Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically
is the third in the multi award-winning
HowToDoItFrugally Series of of books for writers.
The Frugal
Editor There are gremlins out there determined to keep your work from being published, your book from being promoted.
They —resolved to embarrass you before the gatekeepers who can turn the key of success for you —lurk in your subconscious and the depths of
your computer programs. Whether you are a new or experienced author,
The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and
Ensure Success will help you present whistle-clean copy (whether it's a one-page cover letter or your entire manuscript) to those who have
the power to say "Yea" or "Nay." Here are a few
of the many awards and honors it received in
both its first and second editions:

The Frugal Editor was named best business book award by USA Books News and Reader Views Literary.
The Next Generation awarded the book a finalist medal and Carolyn's promotion campaign for this same book was given its top marketing award.
The second edition in e-book format was a
finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book
Awards for e-books.
Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers is a handy
little (but magic!) booklet that will help you avoid the gremlins lurking in your writing--the ones determined to embarrass you. You'll feel more
secure when you send out your blog posts, your business and query letters, or your manuscripts to those who can help build your career.
The Great
First Impression Book Proposal:
Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your
Book in Thirty Minutes or Less
new edition of a
time-saving way to put your
best book forward to agents and publishers!
"Howard-Johnson writes with the experience
of a
and the candor
of a best friend who doesn’t want
you to fall on your face."
~Jennifer Akers, reviewer for
You Are
Invited... | explore
Carolyn Howard-Johnson's multi award-winning
how-to marketing books for
retailers. Authors are retailers, too! They sell books. The more authors know about
retailing, the easier it is to partner with retail stores on
workshops, book signings, seminars and other events. |
Carolyn's Newsletter
an extension of Frugal Book Promotion knowledge: |
"The text-based Sharing with Writers e-newsletter
published by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of
the Frugal Book Promoter and other truly insightful
tomes, is probably the best electronic publication
that comes across my screen."
"Sharing with
Writers is always loaded with practical tips and
advice. It takes me only seconds to implement the
ones that hold promise for my books, and many of
those I’ve tried have led to definitive results like
more traffic to my Web site, participation in a new
online venue or more exposure to libraries and the
book buying trade. The newsletter provides a
by-product of camaraderie with other authors and
promoters in the community that reads Sharing with
Writers, sharing motivation among the members."
~Peggi Ridgway, author, Successful Website Marketing and
Wordpix Solutions,
Web Design & Hosting,
Brochures, Newsletters & Books
To Subscribe to
"Sharing with Writers,"
click here.
Others are Saying
Carolyn's Books for Writers |
HowToDoItFrugally Series of Books for Writers
“Having paid
thousands in tuition to learn what you have provided in your
HowToDoItFrugally series of books for retailers, I can tell
you right now, they are priceless! Great work!”
~ Anne L.
Holmes, Boomer in Chief, National Association of Baby Boomer
Howard-Johnson is} an incessant promoter who develops and
shares new approaches for book promotion.
~ Marilyn Ross, Founder, Small Publishers North America and
author of books on publishing
The Frugal
Book Promoter
"If you're going to
read only one book to get other people to read your book, it should
be The Frugal Book Promoter."
~ Tim Bete, director of Dayton
University's Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop and author
The Frugal Book
Promoter. I love it. Most authors don’t have deep pockets for
publicity, promotion and marketing; this is the kind of information
we need! The chapter on the perks available on Amazon is a perfect
example of the kind of practical advice offered—the kind that took
me months to discover.
~ Rolf Gompertz, author, veteran publicist for NBC and 30 year UCLA
Extension instructor in marketing
I thought I knew
all there is to know about promotion but this book has taught me so
~ Mary Anne Raphael,
author of How to Survive as a Freelancer
“Great book! My
copy {of The Frugal Book Promoter} looks like a porcupine, so many
pages are flagged with great tips to try.”
~ Karin
Ireland, author, motivational speaker
Howard-Johnson has
the comforting tone of a mentor and writes with the precision of a
surgeon. ~ Francine Silverman, editor
Bok Promotion Newsletter
I'm thrilled with
all the helpful info and I like they way the book clearly defines
the various parts makes it much easier to use as a reference.
~ Vicki Malone, Publicist, Red Engine Press
Howard-Johnson's advice in Frugal is like having your own private
tutor, writing coach, PR person, English teacher, salesman of the
year, marketing agent and, once you've talked to her, cheerleader,
all rolled into one. They ought to bottle her energy and sell it.
I'll take ten bottles. Uh ... Make that twenty.
~Georgia Richardson, AKA Queen Jaw Jaw, author, A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Throne
The Frugal Editor
The Frugal Editor
is like having a dear writer friend who's computer-savvy and a
wonderful editor share all her secrets and tips for success with you
- useful, entertaining, valuable.
~ Tara Ison, author and past
director of Antioch University's Writers' Program
"Nothing demonstrates
professionalism like a well-edited submission. Follow Carolyn
Howard-Johnson's clear, step-by-step self-editing approach for
Putting Your Best Book Forward
and you'll submit like a pro."
Gregory A. Kompes, conference
coordinator, Las Vegas Writer's Conference
editing is like honest business accounting: If you don’t
have it, you end up with a mess.
The Frugal Editor
is a must for the novice writer who needs to make that ideal
first impression and the writer with a tenth book hitting
the shelves who has become complacent about his brilliant
prose.” ~ Kristin Johnson, author and
writing consultant.
"Carolyn, I can't put the book down. It's not a
one time read. It will take several times for it
to sink in. Also I want to go to all the URLs'
you mention. I feel like I'm back in school and
I love it. "
K. Hamilton, author The Kahills of Willow
a beautiful job . . . outstanding.
wrote this book, as you always do, in
layman’s language. Since you’re speaking in
my everyday vernacular, if I read your book,
I won’t have any excuse for writing badly,
will I? No more dangling whatevers, no more
ineffective passives. You can make me the
best-read writer in town."
~ Peggi
Ridgway, Wordpix for Websites, Books,
Flower Market Projects & More
I’ve long recommended John Kremer’s 1001
Ways to Market Your Books, but until now, I
didn’t have many other “staples” to
recommend to new authors looking for
~ Jenna Glatzer, author of
Make a Real Living as a Freelance Author
Great Little Last Minute Editing Tips
creating a guide designed specifically to get writers past
gatekeepers, Carolyn Howard-Johnson has created something of
unmatched value: usage advice that cuts through the
contentious world of grammar to offer real help. Writers
polishing their manuscripts and query letters will find
Howard-Johnson’s guide more useful than Strunk and
~June Casagrande, author of
Grammar Snobs Are
Great Big Meanies (Penguin).
For a sample
of Carolyn's multi award-winning short
stories. |
Buy Links for
Carolyn's Books |
at Amazon in their new and used feature.
Both of these books are out of print. They are available
only on Amazon's New and Used feature for about $1.
(Finishing Line Press) at Amazon.
Writing Truth and Justice with Capital Letters,
lie and oppression with Small
Give the
gift of poetry with a chapbook from Magdalena Ball's
My Celebration Series
Unconventional Love
Ruminations on Fathers and Other Masculine Apparitions
EMERALD THEN: Reflections on Motherhood
BLOOMING RED: Christmas Poetry for the Rational
Celebration of Femininity
Celebrating Earth and the Universe
HowToDoItFrugally Series
for Writers
Second Edition
Survive and
Thrive Series of HowToDoItFrugally Books for Retailers
Most of Carolyn's books are
also available for the Kindle reader.
Did you know that with
the Free app, Kindle can be adapted to any reader--even your
"Careers that are not fed die as readily as
any living organism
given no sustenance."
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Studio photography by
Uriah Carr
3 Dimensional Book Cover Images by iFOGO
Logo by
Lloyd King

subscribe to Carolyn's FREE online newsletter send an
Learn more about Carolyn's newsletter and blog.
past issues of Carolyn's
E-Book Tip |
Kindle E-Books
Just for Kindle Anymore
Did you know that Amazon’s Kindle
e-books are a low-cost/no-cost way to access books
even if you don’t have a dedicated Kindle reader?
You can read Kindle's e-books on smartphones,
desktop computers and any e-device in between. You
can even store the books on the Amazon cloud.
Quote from
Diana Schneidman, author and
marketer |
Subscribe to
Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Sharing with Writers Newsletter
and get a FREE copy of
Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers

"I have been a professional writer 40 years, and am also a
tenured full professor of journalism. Carolyn's Sharing with
Writers newsletter is most useful for me--and for my
students. I emphasize to them that while research is 90% of
writing, and the actual writing is about 10%, there's another
100% out there called promotion. Carolyn shows numerous ways to
get the message to the mass media."
~Walter Brasch, author
and educator
"A decade of bettering writers' careers
with how-tos, tips, and publishing news."
Carolyn's Blogs |
The Frugal Retailer Blog
Carolyn shares nearly three decades of
retailing experience with
an emphasis on marketing.
Sharing with Writers
All things publishing with
an emphasis on book
promotion. Named to
Writer's Digest
101 Best Website list.
The New Book Review
Great way for readers, authors, reviewers and publicists to get more
mileage out of
a great review.
The Frugal Editor Blog
This is the Frugal, Smart
and Tuned-In Editor blog.
Covers editing, grammar, formatting and more.
Get the answers you need.
Website Sponsor |
As Featured in Publishers Weekly

This unique book is the perfect book to help
immigrants and those who need better English
skills to deal with Americans. You'll love the
chapter on language and accent reduction. And
love even more how the author uses idioms
throughout the book--and explains them!
Available on
Amazon bookstores worldwide, at Vroman's in
Pasadena and other fine bookstores. |
Writers Resources |
Find tips on writing, promotion, or tech
on every page of this Web site. Look for the little
green and gray boxes. You'll also find articles on different
aspects of writing on related pages. |
Endorsement |
thought I'd respond to you as soon as I finished
your book, which I thought would be a day or so
since I'm a quick reader, but I've been underlining
and underlining and it's limitless, this book of
yours. Thank you so much! I've got so many good
ideas for promotions that I hadn't known of, such as
corporate gifts and mailing lists.
~ Mridu
Khullar Relph, Freelance Journalist and Author |
Proud to be Instrumental in
Helping Other Poets |
Poetry Mystique: A modern
text edited by Suzanne Lummis with commentary from the

Poems by selected students from Suzanne's
many poetry classes.
Carolyn on Pinterest |

Authors! I repin your
books to my boards when you repin mine to yours!
Unsolicited Endorsement for The Frugal Book Promoter |
"As a first-time novelist, I felt like promoting
and marketing were beyond my budget and skillset.
I would never have dreamed that so much of what
I needed to know was in a single, no-nonsense
and easy to read package! Thank you, Carolyn,
for making me feel like this is within my
reach!" ~ Dan Haight, author
Carolyn's Awards |
Awards for Carolyn's Books, Blogs and More The New Book Review
Named to
Master's in Online Universities'
101 Essential Sites for Voracious

Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites
for Sharing with Writers blog.

Best Book Award for The Frugal Book Promoter (2004) and The Frugal Editor (2008)
and the Second Edition of The Frugal Book Promoter

Reader Views Literary Award for The Frugal Editor

New Generation Award for Marketing and Finalist for The Frugal Editor

Book Publicists of Southern California's Irwin Award
Military Writers Award of Excellence for
Tracings, A Chapbook of Poetry.

A Retailer's Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotion wins author Military
Writers Society of America's Author of the Month award for March, 2010

Gold Medal
Award from Military Writers Society of America, 2010.
MWSA also gave a nod to
She Wore Emerald Then,
a chapbook of poetry honoring mothers.
The Frugal
Named #! on Top Ten
Editing Books list.

New Generation Book Awards 2012,
The Frugal Book
Promoter; Finalist 2010
The Frugal Editor;
Winner 2010 Marketing Campaign for the Frugal Editor

The Oxford Award
alumna who exemplifies the Delta Gamma precept of
service to her community and who, through the years,
devotes her talents to improve the quality of life
around her.
The Frugal
Book Promoter is runner-up in the how-to category for
Los Angeles Book Festival 2012

Winner Diamond Award
for Achievement in the Arts
California's Arts and Culture Commission and the City of
Glendale Library,
And more than a dozen other awards for Carolyn's novel, short story collection and poetry.
See the awards page on this site.
Awards |
Awards for Carolyn's aid to
better writing and
The Frugal
For the 2nd
E-book, 2014

For the first
Winner Reader Views Award for Best
Professional Book
Winner USA Book News Award
Finalist Next Generation Book Awards
Winner Next Generation Book Awards for the
Marketing Plan for that book.

Also available
paperback. |
Site |
If you love my
3D book images, you can have one done for your book,
Try Gene Cartwright's iFOGO
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